Small Victory

So regarding my “rough day” yesterday. It actually turned out to be a semi-decent day. I came home and hadn’t realized that the Insanity workout was a recovery day so it wasn’t as fast paced as I was expecting. There were a lot of strength exercises that were easier to breath through with all my congestion. After Insanity, my Fiance, sisters and myself decided to walk up to some tennis courts on campus and play tennis for a little bit. I was getting bored and decided to ditch them and go down to the track and run for awhile. While at the track I ran 5 laps (sprinting the straight aways and walking the curves). I then followed this up with a mile long job. After I had finished all that I was feeling energized so I decide to run STADIUM STAIRS! Since my sprints had totaled 10, I did 10 stadium stairs. Immediately following those killer stairs I did some abs to working on that wannabe 6-pack. By that point it was starting to get dark and we typically take our dogs on a walk around sunset and predicted they were getting very impatient back at home so I went back to the tennis courts to get the clan. We walked home and ended up walking the dogs shorter than usual because it had gotten chilly outside. 

Luckily today I got to go into work a little later so I got to catch up on some sleep. When I woke up this morning I still felt a little crummy but am expecting today to be better than yesterday. I’m hoping that this head cold goes away over the weekend so I can have a great week next week. 

I have been really pleased with myself these past couple days with what I have chosen to eat and that I have made sure to workout at least once a day each day. I’m hoping this determination keeps up so I can really start to see my results! Maybe I’ll even start posting pictures up here?!

Have a good Friday!!

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