Back on It

Ok, so I have definitely fallen off the wagon and it’s time to pull myself back up! I got out of my routine over this long weekend and it is catching up to me. Before the holiday weekend I was getting up every morning to run and boy did it feel great! Then unfortunately my sleeping pattern got all out of wack and now I am struggling to get up and get ready for work at 10. I am working on it and will be getting up in the morning to run again! Especially with it heating up and by the time I get off work it is 100 degrees outside. 

My weekend in one word was hectic. 

When we went home on Wednesday my sister was going on a hot date and me being the younger sister and awkward as heck somehow managed to get tickets to the same baseball game. It turned into a double date quick and we rode out to the game with them. As soon as we got there the rain came pouring down! Andrew (my fiance) had worked overnight so he could come home with me and was exhausted, but with the start time of the game being 7:00 we figured it wouldn’t put us home any later than we would be up anyways. When the rain kept coming down all we kept thinking was RAIN DELAY! And sure enough, the game was delayed until 9:45. Since the game was the day before the 4th, we of course had to see the fireworks! Which only drew the night on longer. BUT it was still a good time.

The rest of the weekend wasn’t anything special. It was filled with errands and just small tasks that I wouldn’t even be able to remember. It just seemed like every time I checked my watch the day was zooming by. And that’s exactly what this weekend did FLEW BY! Now I’m back at work and struggling. 

I noticed the other day that my time in Missouri is quickly coming to a close and I’m starting to get extremely nervous as to what the next year has in store for me. I really hope my ducks are in a row and that everything is getting done when/how it needs to be. I don’t remember being this nervous my senior year of high school about to leave for college. But, I just have to keep reminding myself that it is going to be an extraordinary time and is the best for me! 


It’s Only Monday?

OK, OK. I know that everyone has a case of the Monday’s and I’m not feeling any different than anyone else but HOLY HELL I’m tired! 

This week is going to be an interesting one.Typically I don’t have to be into work until 10. Since this week is a shorter week and I’m all about that moolah, mostly because I am a BROKE college student, I have to work at 8:30 every morning to get my usual paycheck. Well since I have to be at work at 8:30 and I have been doing oh so good at getting up and running each day, my alarm clock had to be set a little earlier than usual. I read the attached photo on Pinterest the other day and have been telling myself to get up and RUN. I always enjoy myself when I actually get up and do it I just need to stop being lazy. Anyway, moving on.




On a good note, my APPLICATION FOR MY APARTMENT arrived in Nebraska!! Woohoo!! Since it should have been taken care of almost a month ago I can stop worrying about that! I also spent this weekend doing a lot of productive things. I made some AWESOME strawberry banana bread since we had some fruit going bad. Then I made a rope bowl I saw on Pinterest as well. I currently have a case of the crafting bug. On top of all this fun stuff I did some more research on the lovely town of Lincoln and the University. I got around to looking up the football schedule and added all those games into my calendar so I would make sure not to miss a single game. I researched their Recreation Center on campus. They offer YOGA classes which really makes me excited. And since my attention span is about that of a dog, I immediately got off my researching when I saw they had yoga and began doing yoga on my own. 

Recently, I read a blog that was talking about an app called YOGIFY that offers yoga classes through your iPhone, iPad, etc. It is created by EA sports which really had me excited! Usually when I decided to do yoga I do podcasts through my iPhone but I wanted to try something new. Boy am I glad I did. There has been one pose-low plank/high to low push-up chataranga I just couldn’t get myself to do in each of these podcasts. Then the last time I did a podcast I did it for a split second and thought to myself it was a fluke. So in this pose you pretty much go into a push-up but don’t come back up. WELL, I have absolutely no upper body strength. BUT yesterday and the day before I was doing my yoga and I actually held the pose for like 10 seconds!! It was amazing. I felt awesome. So awesome when my fiance and I were walking our dogs I had to stop and show him I could do it in the middle of campus. GRANTED he looked at me like I was crazy and didn’t know why I felt the need to show him in public but I was proud!! If there is one thing getting me through this workday it’s that I can do yoga when I get off!

My weekend was pretty good. It has been the first I haven’t gone home in awhile so I had time to do what I wanted to rather than the constant running errands which happens back home. It did start to hit me though that my time in Warrensburg is coming to a close and that makes me sad. I am going to miss the “Dirty Burg” and all it has to offer me. I hope to soak up every last bit of my time here (30 days). It is definitely bittersweet, this has been my home for the past 4 years but I know bigger and better things are out there in this world and I must go pursue them! 

On that note I am feeling energized. Plus I feel like I should be productive. It’s back to stuffing folders I go. Until next time fellow bloggers!