Back on It

Ok, so I have definitely fallen off the wagon and it’s time to pull myself back up! I got out of my routine over this long weekend and it is catching up to me. Before the holiday weekend I was getting up every morning to run and boy did it feel great! Then unfortunately my sleeping pattern got all out of wack and now I am struggling to get up and get ready for work at 10. I am working on it and will be getting up in the morning to run again! Especially with it heating up and by the time I get off work it is 100 degrees outside. 

My weekend in one word was hectic. 

When we went home on Wednesday my sister was going on a hot date and me being the younger sister and awkward as heck somehow managed to get tickets to the same baseball game. It turned into a double date quick and we rode out to the game with them. As soon as we got there the rain came pouring down! Andrew (my fiance) had worked overnight so he could come home with me and was exhausted, but with the start time of the game being 7:00 we figured it wouldn’t put us home any later than we would be up anyways. When the rain kept coming down all we kept thinking was RAIN DELAY! And sure enough, the game was delayed until 9:45. Since the game was the day before the 4th, we of course had to see the fireworks! Which only drew the night on longer. BUT it was still a good time.

The rest of the weekend wasn’t anything special. It was filled with errands and just small tasks that I wouldn’t even be able to remember. It just seemed like every time I checked my watch the day was zooming by. And that’s exactly what this weekend did FLEW BY! Now I’m back at work and struggling. 

I noticed the other day that my time in Missouri is quickly coming to a close and I’m starting to get extremely nervous as to what the next year has in store for me. I really hope my ducks are in a row and that everything is getting done when/how it needs to be. I don’t remember being this nervous my senior year of high school about to leave for college. But, I just have to keep reminding myself that it is going to be an extraordinary time and is the best for me! 


It’s Only Monday?

OK, OK. I know that everyone has a case of the Monday’s and I’m not feeling any different than anyone else but HOLY HELL I’m tired! 

This week is going to be an interesting one.Typically I don’t have to be into work until 10. Since this week is a shorter week and I’m all about that moolah, mostly because I am a BROKE college student, I have to work at 8:30 every morning to get my usual paycheck. Well since I have to be at work at 8:30 and I have been doing oh so good at getting up and running each day, my alarm clock had to be set a little earlier than usual. I read the attached photo on Pinterest the other day and have been telling myself to get up and RUN. I always enjoy myself when I actually get up and do it I just need to stop being lazy. Anyway, moving on.




On a good note, my APPLICATION FOR MY APARTMENT arrived in Nebraska!! Woohoo!! Since it should have been taken care of almost a month ago I can stop worrying about that! I also spent this weekend doing a lot of productive things. I made some AWESOME strawberry banana bread since we had some fruit going bad. Then I made a rope bowl I saw on Pinterest as well. I currently have a case of the crafting bug. On top of all this fun stuff I did some more research on the lovely town of Lincoln and the University. I got around to looking up the football schedule and added all those games into my calendar so I would make sure not to miss a single game. I researched their Recreation Center on campus. They offer YOGA classes which really makes me excited. And since my attention span is about that of a dog, I immediately got off my researching when I saw they had yoga and began doing yoga on my own. 

Recently, I read a blog that was talking about an app called YOGIFY that offers yoga classes through your iPhone, iPad, etc. It is created by EA sports which really had me excited! Usually when I decided to do yoga I do podcasts through my iPhone but I wanted to try something new. Boy am I glad I did. There has been one pose-low plank/high to low push-up chataranga I just couldn’t get myself to do in each of these podcasts. Then the last time I did a podcast I did it for a split second and thought to myself it was a fluke. So in this pose you pretty much go into a push-up but don’t come back up. WELL, I have absolutely no upper body strength. BUT yesterday and the day before I was doing my yoga and I actually held the pose for like 10 seconds!! It was amazing. I felt awesome. So awesome when my fiance and I were walking our dogs I had to stop and show him I could do it in the middle of campus. GRANTED he looked at me like I was crazy and didn’t know why I felt the need to show him in public but I was proud!! If there is one thing getting me through this workday it’s that I can do yoga when I get off!

My weekend was pretty good. It has been the first I haven’t gone home in awhile so I had time to do what I wanted to rather than the constant running errands which happens back home. It did start to hit me though that my time in Warrensburg is coming to a close and that makes me sad. I am going to miss the “Dirty Burg” and all it has to offer me. I hope to soak up every last bit of my time here (30 days). It is definitely bittersweet, this has been my home for the past 4 years but I know bigger and better things are out there in this world and I must go pursue them! 

On that note I am feeling energized. Plus I feel like I should be productive. It’s back to stuffing folders I go. Until next time fellow bloggers!

Holy Emotions

This weekend was absolutely KILLER! I had a total meltdown on Sunday and this week has been just as emotional. 

Again, I went home which is really unlike me to get to go home so much but the fiance unexpectedly got off work which meant he wanted to go see his family. He rarely gets off work and when he does for the weekend he likes to make the trip. I was off work Friday so we left early morning to get back in time for some swimming. While we’re home most nights we hang out at my parents house because his family all goes their separate ways. When we arrived at my house my dad had been discussing going to the Drive In movies. Unfortunately, my family is horrid at planning things and we quickly realized we wouldn’t be making it to the movies that night. Instead we just hung out and made plans to go to the City Market early Saturday morning. 

I had decided I would get up early and go for a run and then go meet them at the house since I was the only one who knew where it was. Well I went running as planned, we went to the farmers market and were there until about mid-afternoon. Since it was so stinkin’ humid out we went to the pool again. When we got home the drive-in was brought up again and this time it didn’t matter, we were going! So, the movie started at 9:10 and this plan wasn’t made until 8:40. (Remember, the movie is at least 20 minutes away). 

Upon arrival at the drive-in at approximately 9:15, there is a line going outside of the theater and we didn’t pay attention to a small detail. THEY ONLY ACCEPTED CASH! Luckily, my dad had enough for everyone the only problem is we were in separate cars. So I had to go up and down the line distributing cash. Well, my fiance and I are big movie buffs and HATE to miss any part of a movie. This one is no exception. We decided to see Man of Steel and had missed the first 10ish minutes. This caused me to already be aggravated along with being lost throughout the whole movie. But WHATEVER, that was my Saturday.

Sunday I decided to sleep in since we were out so late at the drive-in (it was a double feature so we didn’t return until almost 3am, we saw Fast 6 after Man of Steel which I had already seen). When we finally got moving we went to my fiance’s moms house and hung out there. It was sooo hot outside when we left I just wanted something to cool down, so we stopped and got ice cream. I had made plans with my little sisters (who are 13), to do some pinteresty things with them which included painting shorts, etc. The weeks prior I had purchased a pair of jeans at a thrift shop and when I went to put them on they didn’t fit!! I had to wiggle into them and they  barely got buttoned. Of course, my little sisters found this amusing along with my fiance. They made a comment about me eating ice cream and GOD FORBID some potato chips at the movie the night before. What they didn’t realize was I was secretly thinking to myself the same thing! I couldn’t help but be upset. I have worked out every single day! Busted my ass at the gym and watching what I ate and by eating one friggin thing of ice cream and a handful of potato chips I couldn’t fit into those damn pants!?


Immediately, I took the pants off threw them in the trash and put my running shoes on. I was going to work off that ice cream if it was the last thing I did! I left the house in tears and started to run… in 100 degree heat… after eating ice cream. Uhhh.. bad choice! I ran my first mile in RECORD time. I could feel myself getting sick and had to stop. I realized I was just being emotional but the comments hurt and I only knew one thing to do and that was to run. So I ran until I practically got sick. 

Then when I got home I realized what I was doing was stupid. I surround myself with people who eat whatever the HELL they want, while I am counting every last calorie I eat. It is becoming unhealthy for me. When I reflect on what I did last year to lose weight, I just made sure to stay active. I didn’t keep myself from having the occasional ice cream cone or spend every waking moment of my time at the gym. I was tired of constantly having to work hard for my body while no one else did. So I gave up. I gave up on the obsessive dieting. I am going to remain healthy but understand that I can cheat and I can eat a greasy cheeseburger every once and awhile. Before, I would tell myself I didn’t need a cheat day, that I could be strong every day of the week. I was wrong! I need to fall off the wagon every once and awhile. I need to go back to being comfortable in my body. 

So that’s where I’m at. 

I was trying to be positive. I have realized that I am the one who decides how I am going to feel each day. I am in charge of my own happiness. So I thought this week would be fine. But I can tell I’m in a funk. I could tell yesterday when I woke up and I just couldn’t seem to get my day kick started. I haven’t been in a funk in awhile and I know it’ll pass but I’m just in a mood.

Then when I get to work today, I call the place I am moving next year because I sent my application almost a month ago and the check has yet to be cashed. (Remind you, I had emailed her last week with no response). When I call I am told that apparently my application was never received/lost in the mail but they are in the process of moving offices so it may be in all that but if I could send a new one that’d be great. Again, usually I’m a pretty positive person and by all means I understand stuff happens, but come on! I just didn’t need this to top it all off. 

Anyways, this funk needs to go. 

But, to end this post on a more positive note, since that’s how this funk is going to go, I’ve been trying new things and I really have come to liking pumpkin seeds in my yogurt and salads. I have also started to enjoy raisins (I used to absolutely HATE them!).

Feelin’ the Need

So I’m sitting at work with less than an hour to go until I’m off and I don’t really want to start on a new project. If I do, I will just be tempted to stay later and finish it or leave it halfway done which I will end up regretting in the morning. What am I going to do then for my last 30 minutes? Well blog of course!

So over the weekend I went to Teavana in the mall because I am currently on this tea kick. And when I get on kicks like these they tend to be obsessions. I’m talking can’t leave the store without buying a different kind of tea. Soooo… coincidentally, I went to buy more tea. Being new to this whole tea thing and never having shopped there before I was a little overwhelmed. I know, I know, how overwhelmed can you get shopping for tea? Well lemme tell ya how the trip went down.

I walked in and told the salesperson I wanted to try some tea. He was very nice and had me try all their sample teas. I absolutely loved two of them and really struggled deciding what I wanted to get. So while I was contemplating he passed me off to another sales person who would be the one who checked me out. I explained to her I had never been there (huge mistake because then she proceeded to try and sell me everything!) and asked what the rate was on their tea. She told me that it was sold by the pound and I thought to myself “OK, a pound of tea will last me quite a while.” I told her the flavor I wanted and that I would take a pound, thinking it was the bare minimum. Boy was I wrong. When she told me my total was $110 I about flipped. I was not expecting to spend $100 on tea, which I proceeded to tell her. She then told me that I would at least have to get a 2 oz. minimum and that the rates were based on ounces, (wouldn’t that have been nice to know from the beginning, especially because one was $12/2oz.). So I told her that I would take the 2 oz minimum to begin with and went on my way. Still spending more than I had expected ($36 to be exact). Since this tea is “high quality,” it of course is loose leaf meaning no bag. I had planned on buying a tea infuser while at the mall but never got around to it since that day seemed to drag on forever. But, while I was on the computer the next day I ordered one off amazon for real cheap. AND it should be waiting for me on my door step when I get home!! WOOT WOOT! I am super excited to finally get to have a glass of this expensive ass tea I bought this weekend. I am hoping that it is just as good as it was in the store. 

Since this is probably the most exciting thing that will be happening for me today, I am going to use it to reward myself after completing my workout because today is PURE CARDIO and CARDIO ABS on insanity! I really have started to slack off because I’m not seeing results as quickly as I want (like overnight, HA!). But I am starting to think it’s not my workouts that is killing me and that it is my diet. I eat really healthy but I don’t think its what my body needs. Rarely do I get enough protein in a day because I never stray from fruits and veggies with the occasional turkey sandwich. When I think back to last years weight loss journey I was constantly eating high protein foods (peanut butter, eggs, chicken, etc.) and it was helping my body rebuild. 

Something I also did differently last year was working out early in the morning. I used to not have a problem getting up at 6am to go for a run. Now it almost kills me to, but it’s something I want to work on. I always felt refreshed throughout the day because I kickstarted my day and I know it just is a habit I need to start back up but it’s tough! Especially when sleep in your Best Friend. I am hoping that by making these minor changes I’ll start to see a difference in how I feel and my body! 



Ok. So like I said in my first post, I’m new to this whole blogging thing but it has definitely grown on me! I love reading other peoples posts. Something I have just recently realized (DUH) is that I can blog about whatever the HECK I want! It doesn’t all have to be able my diet choices, exercise habits, etc. My blog can be filled with everything. Which is awesome because there really is so much more going on in my life than that and why not document these up and coming changes in my life. 

So recently (I believe I’ve mentioned this in a post), I graduated with a degree in Chemistry from the University of Central Missouri which is located in Warrensburg, Missouri. Well, let me tell ya… chemistry sucks! I struggled through 4 years of deciding what I wanted to do with multiple major changes and minor additions. All of which resulted in me returning to my original major as an incoming freshman. I still though wanted nothing to do with the subject of Chemistry. Everyone of my classmates had hopes of going to med school, getting their PhD’s, etc. I wanted to graduate and be done with it all. 

I have always been very active and involved in everything I do. So no surprise I was involved in organization after organization at UCM. Looking back on my 4 years any good memory had to do with those. I would catch myself wondering how I could do that as a career. It wasn’t until Thanksgiving break of my senior year that I figured it all out! (You know like that ahha moment when the lightbulb comes on!) A grad student at my undergrad that I worked with told me about this conference about “Exploring your Future in Student Affairs.” She told me that I should just attend and learn as much as I could. When the day was over, I called my mom in tears because I knew it was what I wanted to do. 

So, from there I needed to apply to grad school. WAIT?! Grad school?! Isn’t that what people spent months and months preparing for? Taking the GRE, perfecting their personal statements, resume critiquing, contacting references, etc. and I was just starting now? HOLY HELL I was behind. I didn’t even know where to begin. Deadlines were approaching and all I wanted to do was enjoy my Thanksgiving break back home. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen. 

My entire break consisted of applications. Paying fees, researching schools/programs, etc. I finally got applications submitted. Colorado State-Fort Collins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Michigan State University, Miami University, and University of Central Missouri (gotta have a back up plan).

Now, the waiting began.



My first rejection letter came in February and just happened to be from my number one choice Colorado State. I had never been rejected like that before. It hurt. 😦 The next one came from Michigan State. Let me tell you, their’s was harsh! I began to panick. Maybe this wasn’t what I should be doing. Isn’t everything supposed to work out? I was starting to lose hope. Along with getting aggrevated. I had spent so much money on application fees to pretty much get nothing in return. I remember at one point tweeting grad school had taught me one thing and one thing only and that was how to be rejected! 

THEN, I got a letter from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I GOT PAST THEIR FIRST ROUND! (I may or may not have peed myself a little when I read that). I had to fill out a survey ranking assistantships for their program. After getting that news there was more waiting. THEN, I got asked to do an on campus interview!!!

Of course, the next question I asked myself was what was I going to wear?! I went out and bought suits to wear. According to the schedule I was going to be on campus 2 days. A Thursday and Friday. Well, this winter the weather sucked! I got all the way up there for my on campus interview and got snowed into my hotel, the school had a snow day Thursday, there was potentially one Friday and there was talk of having to do a Skype interview at a later date. I was scared to death of that Skype interview. LUCKILY, things worked out and Friday I got to go to campus and have my interview. 

I was more excited about the interview than anything else. I felt accomplished. I mean, my batting average wasn’t that great two rejections to one acceptance but who cares! It was a big deal! 

I knew there was still a chance of other options but I was perfectly content with where I was at. Then I received a letter from Miami. I had made their waiting list. I was stepping up from rejection! And the UCM contacted me for an interview. My interview at UCM just happened to be the day I was supposed to hear from UNL. I was sick all day! By 4:30 I hadn’t heard anything and almost broke down in my interview. The pressure was on. I had to nail this interview or I could kiss grad school goodbye. 

I walked out of my interview at UCM feeling confident, well as confident as I could. Then I looked at my phone and realized I had a missed call from a Nebraska number. I called back immediately. I didn’t even think twice about the news being bad. Thank goodness it wasn’t! They wanted to offer me a position for Community College Recruitment through their College of Education and Human Sciences!! I was ECSTATIC! I had at least one option for grad school.

It was then though reality began to set in. I was going to have to move 4 hours away from my fiance. He still had a year and half left of his undergrad. Is that something I really wanted to do? I could feel myself getting sick again. I wanted to breakdown and cry but I couldn’t. I was still standing in the bathroom at UCM in the middle of my visit day for their grad program. AGGHHHH… life is NEVER EASY! 

The next month I spent contemplating what I was going to do. Made pro and con sheets and still couldn’t decide. It wasn’t until April 15th, the deadline to accept/decline that position that I called and formally accepted. We had done the long distance thing once before and both decided we could make it work a second time. 

Phewww… I knew I loved him for some reason. He supported me through it all and can tell we’re only going to be stronger from it all. 

So now I’m here. Interning in the Student Activities Office at my undergrad to get more experience under my belt. My official journey starts in August when I move up to Lincoln! So enough about diehard dieting and exercising, my blog is going to be full of ME! 

I’m all about trying new things and enjoying this roller coaster we call life! Why not document it?

Inner Fat Girl


This weekend was horrendous just as planned! I had hoped that by preparing myself for such a horrible weekend I would be over conscious of my diet choices, but I was definitely not! Saturday wasn’t a bad day at all since I was in my usual routine. However, Sunday the trip to the mall occurred and let me tell ya, was definitely tight on my belt!

I started the morning off good knowing that we’d be at the mall all day I packed a sandwich and brought it along. I figured I’d eat it right before we went inside and I wouldn’t be hungry until we left. Boy was I wrong. I ate the sandwich before we even got to the mall. My tummy was grumbling and I needed to eat something. So I did. Unplanned, we met up with my family and within 20 minutes of walking into the mall my dad had hit up Auntie Annes for pretzels. I devoured them. I hadn’t eaten something that sweet (cinnamon sugar pretzels) in a while and it felt like I was a crack addict relapsing. But it gets worse. My dad for father’s day only wanted one thing. GOLDEN CORRAL! First off, they are known for a chocolate fountain which I knew would be too hard to pass up. Secondly, the possibilities were endless. When we walked in I knew it was going to be bad. I was hungry so my eyes were bigger than my stomach, and I literally felt like I had died and gone to heaven. Pshh… and realistically in who’s version of Heaven do you have to diet? 

So my journey through the buffet began. The first thing I picked up were hush puppies. I moved on then to mac and cheese, sweet potato casserole, and then I landed on the rolls. Ohhh sweet lawd the warm toasted heaping rolls. (When I mentioned a crack addict relapsing, I am the equivalent only with CARBS!). I ate rice and then decided some protein would be nice. Where did I go then? To the popcorn shrimp. I devoured that first plate. I knew I should have stopped but I hadn’t even hit the dessert bar yet! So on my walk up to there I stopped for some mashed potatoes, and you guessed it… another ROLL! Added a cupcake, small piece of fudge, cotton candy, and two scoops of my favorite ice cream MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP! Now at this point, I’m about to explode so this plate didn’t go as quickly. I took about two bites out of everything except the ice cream and roll. While sitting there looking at my family still eating I couldn’t help but begin to regret my decisions. I felt sick, bloated, and most of all GUILTY! I told myself I was going to go straight home and run– I knew though the chances of my going out for a run were about as small as my pants felt at the moment. I had an hourish drive home and knew all those starches were going to put me to sleep. 

When we finally got home the first thing my fiance and myself did was walk our dogs. They had been locked in the kennel for nearly the whole day and needed to get some energy out of their systems and I knew I needed to burn some of those unwanted calories because I had just bought some nice new pants that I needed to fit into for work the next day! We took them on a longer walk than usual and I started to feel better because I was up moving. By the time we got home it was going on 10:00 and I was exhausted–shopping does that to me (well I guess so does eating a shit ton at Golden Corral). I knew I was done for the day and went straight to bed. When I woke up this morning I was STILL full. I felt disgusting. I knew I needed to eat something before work or else I’d be starving by lunchtime so I ate a small bowl of fruit (no protein), which I’m regretting now. I was debating on even packing a lunch since I foresaw myself not being hungry at all, but I went ahead and packed leftover tuna, grapes and pita chips. Before I left for work I checked what my scheduled Insanity workout was for the day and saw it was only the fit test (which isn’t near as fast paced as the other workouts). This bummed me out because I know I’m going to need something quicker to make myself feel better about this weekends decisions. Especially in regards to my last post, I didn’t even get my yoga in for the day off. 😦 When I get off work I am going straight into my Insanity workout and plan on doing two sections of it and going for a run tonight! I understand  it’s ok to have a bad day but if this is how I’m going to feel after each bad day I want to stay on track as much as possible. 

To celebrate a small victory and to not end this post so negatively, I noticed Saturday (my last day of Insanity), I was on day 13 out of 63! This is the farthest I have been into the program! I’m really hoping to get all the way through it this time and stay on task! My goal for after work is to jump right on Insanity, do the two sets (my scheduled fit test and I’m debating either pure cardio or pylometric circuit) and reward myself with a nap or relaxation on the couch since it’s a rainy day and that’s all I’ve wanted to do ALL DAY. Hopefully, I can get back on track (so far so good) and stay motivated because I typically fall off after having a bad time. 

I need to remember that the only thing holding me back is myself and that I can do anything if I want it bad enough! 


It’s Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down on Friday!

Ahhhh… I have been counting down the days till Friday all week. (Well since Wednesday at least). It has just been one of those tiring/draining weeks where everything/everyone is getting on your last nerve. I think it’s because of Orientations and I’m working with people I don’t usually work with and their attitudes aren’t always the best unfortunately. Because of this crappy mood I’ve been in I’ve been exhausted the past couple days but I have pushed through in my workouts. I might not have had the best Insanity workouts but because I have jumped back into running I felt it compensated for that. My runs help me just relieve all that tension I have from work and I have been picking the pace up rather than a slow jog for a longer period of time. My goal on Thursday was to run 3 miles under 25 minutes. Unfortunately, I didn’t set that goal until I was at almost 23 minutes on the treadmill and had a ways to go still. But, when I picked up the pace I finished at 25:15 (15 seconds over :(). Yesterday, since I knew this goal was what I wanted I picked it up and finished in 24 minutes. I wanted to die when it was over because it didn’t help that I had just eaten dinner. ICK! When I came home my fiancé had on the NBA game so I laid there watching it with him and passed out. (I tend to do that anytime we’re just lounging around watching TV at night. It drives him up the wall!) Today is the last day of Orientations at work so I’ll go back to my usual routine next week. I get the whole weekend to relax and rejuvenate myself. I used to periodically do yoga and could feel it help me relax so my plan is to get in a least one session over the weekend. If I remember right my rest day for Insanity is coming up and I’ll take that day to do yoga and run. I am ready for this weekend. Typically, the weekends are my bad days solely because I’ll either go home or do something outside of my regular routine of the week which results in bad food choices. If I go home I’m not always lucky with my dad making me a “healthy” version of what they would eat. This weekend I’m only worried about Sunday. My little sister is wanting to make a day trip back to the city to go to the mall and asked if I wanted to go. Since I have nothing better to do with my life I agreed and will be running around with her all weekend. This is where I can get in trouble. I foresee us going to lunch, getting ice cream, etc. I’m hoping that isn’t the case but when these trips occur it’s always about splurging. I know that I have been strong lately so I’m sure I can resist the urge. My sister also informed me last night that she was told by one of her co-workers there is a crossfit gym in our town. I plan one day out of the weekend to go search for that and possibly give it a shot–depending on how much it will hurt not only my body but my budget as well. 

Whelp… that’s pretty much all I have since the last post. I’m ahead on my morning routine this morning so I figured I’d post something to help me throughout the day. It is mind over matter and I can do anything I set me mind to!! I just know my goals wont come easy and that I must work hard for them!Image

Hump Day!

Here we are, halfway through the week and still going strong. I’ve noticed I may go about a day without posting and then feel the need to jump back on before my decisions start to go awry. Yesterday was a good day. Currently I’m interning at my alma mater and helping with Orientations for incoming freshmen so the days are packed full and tend to be busier than when the orientations aren’t going on. This helps me not sit at think about how hungry I am or when my next meal/snack is. I catch myself doing this a lot when I have idle time just because I love the taste of food and am TRULY addicted. I am definitely one of those boredom eaters. 

As for my workouts, I haven’t been going as hard as I was the past week because I could feel myself getting burnt out. Typically, I would do my insanity and then go to the gym and run another 45+ minutes. This was on top of me riding my bike everywhere, walking the dogs, going to play tennis, etc. I was constantly moving and never really “relaxing.” I was beginning to obsess which is unhealthy for me. If I got to the point where I obsessed too much I would fall into a downward spiral and beat myself up too much. So I took a break from the running. I would do my insanity each day along with our dog walking and other activities. Yesterday I was actually craving going on a run which before was not the case. Before, it felt more like a meeting I had to attend even if I was dirt tired. Since I had this craving, I figured why not indulge? So, I went to the gym and ran. Even though it wasn’t my usual long run, I ran a good fast paced 2 miles and then decided to bike. It felt nice to not be upset with myself if I pooped out on those last 15 minutes. I ran faster for a shorter period of time and felt just as good afterwards than any other run. 

I also found out that whole foods has an app yesterday and downloaded that to see what it is all about. Although there aren’t any within a hour drive from us I still was excited and hope to find some of the ingredients to make the recipes at our local grocery stores. If not I’ll have to make a stop next time I’m at home! 

I’m feeling good and we’re halfway through the week. I am hoping the good vibes continue on and that everyone else has a good Wednesday!!


Man oh Man do I miss this. Over the weekend I went back to my hometown to visit my parents and didn’t have access to a computer/take time to sit down and write out a post. Throughout the weekend I felt like a crack addict. I noticed myself thinking about my blog and how I hadn’t posted and that I need to really be conscious of my diet choices along with my workouts. By the end of the weekend I was wearing thin and caught myself saying at 11:00 I was going to get ice cream!! I had been doing so good all weekend and I about blew it for a late night craving. This weekend was much needed. I took a break one day and didn’t workout but still stuck to my food choices with the exception of those wandering thoughts and a dinner out with my fiance’s family. That meal may not have been the healthiest but I controlled my portions and think overall I did well this weekend. My dad does his best when I am home to cook according to my diet because they know that if not I wont be eating their meals. He decided to craft up his own version of a spinach burger. He put chives, spinach, and oats in them with Swiss cheese melted on top. They were really good compared to anything I usually cook at home. 

Today I’m back in my routine which is exactly what I need. I will get back on my Insanity after work and will go for a run later tonight. We didn’t get a chance to walk the dogs all weekend so we’ll for sure have to put that in the agenda as well. I am hoping that I don’t die out before I get all this done since I have been up earlier than usual today. This weekend I caught myself admiring the results I have seen from working out but could tell yesterday and this morning that I hadn’t worked out. It put a little damper on my mood but only reminded myself what I had been working so hard for. Trying not to be too hard on myself I felt my day off yesterday was well worth it and will only help motivate me to get through my workouts today. 

It is a beautiful day and I’m excited to see what the rest of it has in store for me!!

Small Victory

So regarding my “rough day” yesterday. It actually turned out to be a semi-decent day. I came home and hadn’t realized that the Insanity workout was a recovery day so it wasn’t as fast paced as I was expecting. There were a lot of strength exercises that were easier to breath through with all my congestion. After Insanity, my Fiance, sisters and myself decided to walk up to some tennis courts on campus and play tennis for a little bit. I was getting bored and decided to ditch them and go down to the track and run for awhile. While at the track I ran 5 laps (sprinting the straight aways and walking the curves). I then followed this up with a mile long job. After I had finished all that I was feeling energized so I decide to run STADIUM STAIRS! Since my sprints had totaled 10, I did 10 stadium stairs. Immediately following those killer stairs I did some abs to working on that wannabe 6-pack. By that point it was starting to get dark and we typically take our dogs on a walk around sunset and predicted they were getting very impatient back at home so I went back to the tennis courts to get the clan. We walked home and ended up walking the dogs shorter than usual because it had gotten chilly outside. 

Luckily today I got to go into work a little later so I got to catch up on some sleep. When I woke up this morning I still felt a little crummy but am expecting today to be better than yesterday. I’m hoping that this head cold goes away over the weekend so I can have a great week next week. 

I have been really pleased with myself these past couple days with what I have chosen to eat and that I have made sure to workout at least once a day each day. I’m hoping this determination keeps up so I can really start to see my results! Maybe I’ll even start posting pictures up here?!

Have a good Friday!!